

Happy New Year Everyone. I’d really like to thank all of you who have been following my blog and supporting my work this past year. Little by little the blog and work in general has been picking up steam and I’m truly grateful for that. Wishing you all a pleasant and fruitful New Year!

Here are some highlights from my realm in 2023:


    1. Happy New Year! Do you ever teach Japanese techniques? I’ve signed up for the classes offered by Mr Chickadee and hoping to continue learning thereafter. Many thanks Bijan

  1. Wonderful woodwork Jon – thanks for sharing these pics. But you can be even more proud of the 52 blogs you have written that enlighten and inspire readers. Have a few days off – 50 blogs in 2024 will be ok!!
    Happy Holidays

  2. Beautiful work Jon. I really enjoy reading the blog every week. Would love to see more details of the house design shown above sometime.

  3. You are such an artist and craftsman and your insights are such an inspiration. Thank you for all you do in your blogs. and, enjoy the upcoming year.
